With all of the press leading up to the April 15th Tea Parties concerning left wing infiltrators and their efforts to sully the Tea Party movement, you would think that the Richmond Times Dispatch would be wise enough to not allow themselves to be played. Apparently not.
A video accompanying the Tyler Whitley story produced by George Lamm reduces the Times Dispatch to below tabloid journalism, and renders the paper unfit to line a bird cage.
To be clear, Mr. Whiteley did a fair and accurate job in reporting the event. However, at the 15 second mark in the accompanying video, a large sign with a homophobic message not unlike that of the Westboro Baptist Church, the group that pickets Soldier’s funerals, is given a lengthy exposure. This sign was not a part of the Tea Party and the person with the sign was across the street from the park. The impression Mr. Lamm intended is that this was a typical Tea Party enthusiast.
I am not a member of any Tea Party board, although I am an enthusiastic supporter. This blog has published well over 100 photos of several Tea Parties and the image Lamm pushes out is absolutely disingenuous. Lamm intentionally zoomed in on this sign and failed to provide the perspective of the gentleman’s location: across the street.
I am sorely disappointed that the Richmond Times Dispatch would allow such outright dishonesty in their publication.
After speaking to members of the Richmond Tea Party prior to the event, they were keenly aware that there was the possibility of “crashers” attending the event. These people are entitled to their message, but the Tea Party organizers wanted to make sure their free speech rights were practiced in such a way that it was clear their message is not that of the Tea Party movement.
The Richmond Tea Party organizers and volunteers did an outstanding job of presenting a positive message for limited government and liberty for all Americans. It is a shame that the Times Dispatch does not police it’s video productions for truth and honesty and disparages the months of hard work these individuals put into the Richmond Tea Party event.
Article written by: Tom White
About Tom White
Tom is a US Navy Veteran, owns an Insurance Agency and is currently an IT Manager for a Virginia Distributor. He has been published in American Thinker, currently writes for the Richmond Examiner as well as Virginia Right! Blog. Tom lives in Hanover County, Va and is involved in politics at every level and is a Recovering Republican who has finally had enough of the War on Conservatives in progress with the Leadership of the GOP on a National Level.
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